Dubuque Criminal Defense Lawyer

Our criminal defense attorneys recognize that having criminal charges brought against you can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. Our job is to take as much of that stress away as we can.

We are experienced and knowledgeable, and can assist you in determining the best course of action for you and your circumstances. Step one is typically an analysis of the facts of your case. We will ensure that the police did their job. In today's day and age, most police interactions are captured on body cameras, dash cameras, and/or traffic cameras. We are typically able to obtain and review that evidence to ensure you are correctly charged. We will thoroughly analyze the facts of your case to assist you in obtaining a fair and just result.

Our attorneys have defended many people in the area on charges such as OWI, Domestic Abuse, Assault, Public Intoxication, Protective Orders, Probation Violations, Theft, Possession of a Controlled Substance (such as marijuana, or other drugs), in addition to traffic violations like speeding tickets.

If you have been contacted by the police, or if you would like to speak to a criminal defense attorney concerning a charge brought against you, please contact us for help today.

If you're asking yourself that question, the answer is probably yes. You should not talk to the police without a lawyer present.

OWI 1st Offense is a serious misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of $1,250.00. The minimum jail time is 48 hours. There may be options for you to avoid having to serve this time in the county jail, such as the Kirkwood College weekend OWI program.

Offenders must also undergo a Substance Abuse Evaluation and comply with any recommended treatment. You will also face administrative revocation of your license for 180 days to one year.

If you apply for a temporary restricted license, you may be eligible to pay one-half of the fine.

A deferred judgment is when a person is placed on probation, and if probation is successfully completed, conviction will not be entered. Upon successful completion of probation, the charge is expunged from your record.

A deferred judgment is an option we may or may not be able to negotiate for you depending upon the circumstances and what you are accused of. You must generally have a mostly clean criminal record and have no felony convictions. You also can only have two deferred judgments in your lifetime.

If you are accused of an OWI, a deferred judgment is not available if your blood/alcohol level is over .15 or if you refused to consent to testing requested in accordance with the Iowa Consent Law.

Most often, yes. Depending on the level of your charge, you may have a right to discovery. We are experienced in reviewing body camera, dash camera, and traffic camera footage to ensure that you have been correctly charged.

Contact a Dubuque Criminal Defense Attorney

Call our Dubuque Lawyers today:   (563) 588-0547
